This application was developed in 2020 by the graduate of the Department Stathis Karadimitriou under the supervision of Kostas Panagiotakis, Associate Professor and President of the Department in order to serve the members of the Department and promote the department to prospective students. It is the next version of the mobile application that was developed as part of the thesis of the students of the department Pelopidas Kefalianou and Maria Lagoudakis in 2017. The application contains information about the Agios Nikolaos CIT Department and various useful services such as:• Department Announcements, Events & Events• Search for Department staff contact information• Curriculum (Undergraduate & Postgraduate students)• Frequently asked questions on student issues• Information about the Department such as: - Virtual Tour of the Department - Department location map - Studies at the Department - Research in the Department - Members of D.E.P Department - Online channels of the Department (Youtube, Linkedin, ResearchGate)• Useful student services such as: - Timetable - Academic Calendar - Useful links - Search teachers e-mails - Study Program by direction and semester - Semester course declaration guideFor more information visit the following link: